ScreenPlay Pro HD
Forums: Index > Help desk > Screen Play pro HD and Windows 7

Problem i have is the networkname and the speed!! Realy low!! I can communicate with the HD Pro.

--Polaad 09:38, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

Hi Polaad. I answered on your talk page from all of the other pages you created about this topic. Do you mean 3.1 kbits/sec, or 3.1 KBytes/sec. 3.1 KB/sec is actually pretty typical for the screenplay. That's about 24 kbits/sec, which is slightly faster than what I was getting (see the Network page). Yes, USB 2.0 works better than the network because it bypasses the little 200 mhz mips cpu in the screenplay, which I believe is why the network goes so slow for it. --JCoug 18:36, January 12, 2010 (UTC)