ScreenPlay Pro HD

Warning: This is a change in the Linux OS of the ScreenPlay Pro HD. Iomega may consider this a reason to void your warranty if do any of the actions listed. It is possible to mess up the operating system enough to make it no longer function. If you make these changes, you do so at your own risk.

Note: Iomega has provided a firmware update program that will restore the drive's firmware and operating system files.


BFTPD is easier and more flexible to configure users for than VSFTP, but is slower by about 30%.


This information comes from and has been rewritten here for ScreenPlay Pro HD specific steps. This install the BFTP program.

The following instructions assume you have you have no familiarity with Linux, but general familiarity with Windows XP or Vista.Please be aware that Linux is case sensitive and you will need to type everything exactly as is.

If you are using Vista or R1.8 firmware, you will need to enable telnet.

The easiest way to install the BFTP ftp program is to use IomTools. If you want to manually install it, follow the directions below.

1. Download the file. This download is a recompile of the BFTPD and is not the same binary as found on It is about 30K larger, but is faster and does not have a 2 GB file limit problem.

2. Extract the contents put it in the top level directory, the \ directory of your media player.

3. Open a telnet session prompt

4. Start ->> Run ->> telnet (replace the IP with your drive's IP address)

What you do
Iomega login:
type root
Warning about not being able to change to the home directory is ok
type mount -o rw,remount / makes the first Linux drive writeable
type mkdir /usr/local/ftp Makes the ftp directory to store the files in
type cp /tmp/hddmedia/bftpd* /usr/local/ftp copies the main bftpd daemon and bftpd.conf to the ftp directory.
type chmod 755 /usr/local/ftp/bfptd This makes the bftpd file executable.
type vi /etc/inetd.conf edits the inetd configuration file
Scroll to the last line in the file We're going to insert a new ftp line at the end
Press the a key in the bottom left corner an I appears. This is insert mode.
Press enter to go to the next line, then type:
ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/ftp/bftpd -d -c /usr/local/ftp/bftpd.conf
This allows bftpd daemon to be started when any activity occurs on the ftp port.
Press esc key In the bottom left corner, the I will change to -
Type :wq Writes the files and exits out of the editor
Type vi /usr/local/ftp/bftpd.conf and press enter. This will edit the bftpd.conf file

Scroll down to the line that reads user root {. By default, this configuration file allow anonymous read/write access. If you don't want to allow anonymous read/write access, delete from user root to the end of the file. If you want to allow anonymous read access only, then make it read as follows:

user root {



Configure anonymous access
If you want to allow add other users that can access with a password, set up new users at the end like this:

user ftpuser {

where ftpuser is the name of the user you want to allow access.

Add users to the config file to allow access
press esc and type :wq write out changed to the config file
If you added users to the config file, you will need those users added to the passwd file. To add, type:

adduser ftpuser and press enter (ftpuser replaced with the user name). You will be given some warnings and then prompted for a password. Enter a password for the user. And again.

add users to the passwd file
Type exit logs out of the telnet session

Now turn off the ScreenPlay Pro HD and turn it back on. This will read the inetd.conf file and prepare the ftp program, as well as remount the drive read only.

If you want to have a better understanding of the configuration file, look at the BFTPD sourceforge documentation.
